
Data protection


This data protection statement is provided to explain to users of this website the scope and purpose of collecting and using personal data gathered by the website providers (hereinafter “Providers”):

PH.Hirsch Hotelbetriebs-GmbH
Maximilianstrasse 28
76829 Landau
Tel: +49 177 4640297

These data protection guidelines are based on the Federal Data Protection Act and the German Telemedia Act.

Visitor data/server log files

The authors of this website (and their website provider) gather data every time the website is visited (using server log files). This visitor data includes:

The name of the visited web page, name of files accessed, the date and time of the visit, volume of transferred data, notification of completed visit, the type and version of the browser used, the operating system of the user, referrer URL (previous page visited), IP address and the provider that submitted the query.

This data is used by the Providers for statistical purposes to help run and optimise the website and keep it safe. The Providers reserve the right to check visitors’ data after visits if they have reasonable grounds to suspect illegal use of the website.

Use of personal data

Personal data refers to information that makes it possible to identify an individual, ie any information that can be traced back to a specific person. This can be information relating to their name, email address or telephone number. It also includes information relating to a person’s preferences, hobbies, memberships or even the websites they visit.

Personal data is only gathered, used or shared by the Providers if this is expressly permitted by law or the user has granted their permission to gather any such information.

Getting in touch

Every time a user contacts the Providers (eg, by using the contact form or writing an email) their information is stored so that their query can be processed or in case there are further questions.

Comments and messages

Whenever users comment on the blog or add other messages to posts, their IP addresses are stored. This is for security reasons in case users submit illegal content in their comments or messages (insults, forbidden political content, etc). Under such circumstances the Providers may face litigation because of the comment or message and as a result it is in their interest to know the identity of users who submit comments.

Subscribing to comments

Users can subscribe to comments made on the website. They will then be sent a confirmation email to check that the email address they submitted is theirs. Users can unsubscribe from comments at any time. The confirmation email explains how this works.


We write the newsletter to keep everyone up to date with how things are going and what’s on offer.

If you would like to receive our newsletter we will need a valid email address and other information from you so that we can check that the email address you submitted really is yours, that the information really does relate to you and that you are happy to receive the newsletter. No other information is used. The information you provide is to ensure that the newsletter is sent to you and this information is not shared with third parties.

When you register for our newsletter we store your IP address and the date of registration. This information is only stored to ensure that a third party is not misusing an email address or registering to receive the newsletter without the knowledge of the actual user.

You can revoke your consent for us to store your information, to store your email address and to use this information to send the newsletter at any time. This withdrawal of consent can be submitted via a link in the newsletter itself, by going to your profile or by contacting any of the people on the list above.

Inclusion of services and third-party content

Under certain circumstances this website may include content provided by third parties such as videos from YouTube, map images from Google Maps, RSS feeds and diagrams from other websites. This only works if the providers of this content (hereinafter “Third Party”) can see the IP address of website users. This is because Third Parties cannot send content to users’ browsers without this information. The IP address is therefore required to show this content. We take the utmost care to only use content if the Third Party provider only uses these IP addresses to deliver content. Despite this, we have no influence over whether the Third Party uses IP addresses for reasons such as statistical purposes. If we find that this is happening we will inform users.


Cookies are small files that make it possible to store specific information on devices about the kinds of devices being used by users (PC, smartphone, etc). Cookies help make websites user-friendly and thus help users (eg by saving login data). They are also used to capture statistical information on how websites are used and to analyse this data to improve the online offering. Users can decide how cookies are used. Most browsers have options for restricting the installation of cookies or completely preventing them from being installed. It should be noted however that website use and ease of use will be restricted without cookies.

To manage cookies used to show online content there is an American website at and an EU website at .

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics use cookies, which are small text files that are installed on the computer of users to make it possible to analyse how websites are used. The information generated by cookies regarding how users use this website is usually sent to a server operated by Google in the United States where this information is stored.

If IP anonymisation is activated for this website, before being sent the users’ IP addresses are shortened by Google within the countries of the European Union or in other member states of the European Economic Area. The complete IP addresses are only sent to a Google server in the United States under exceptional circumstances before being shortened there. IP anonymisation is activated for this website. Google will use this information on behalf of the Providers to evaluate how users use this website, to create reports on website activities and to provide other services to the Providers. These services are related to how the internet is used.

The IP address that is shared by your browser through Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google information. Users can prevent the installation of cookies by changing settings in their browser. The Providers do however point out that if you change these settings it is possible that you may not be able to use certain functions on this website. Users can also opt-out so that data generated by cookies on their use of this website is no longer captured (including your IP address) for Google and they can prevent this data being processed by Google by downloading and installing a browser add-on available here:

As an alternative to using the browser add-on on mobile devices, please click on this link to prevent Google Analytics capturing information on this website in the future. This will leave an opt-out cookie on your device. If you delete your cookies, you will need to click on this link again.

Use of Facebook social plugins

This website uses social plugins (“Plugins”) from the social networking website, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). These Plugins can be recognised by the Facebook logo (white ‘f’ on a blue tile or a ‘thumbs up’ symbol) or they are marked with the suffix ‘Facebook Social Plugin’. There is a list of Facebook Plugins and what they look like at:

Whenever users access content on this website with such Plugins, their browser will initiate a direct connection to the servers of Facebook. The contents of Plugins are transferred directly to users’ browsers by Facebook which inserts content into the website. The Providers therefore have no influence over the extent of the data that Facebook gathers by using this Plugin and would therefore like to inform users about their current status of knowledge:

Using Plugins tells Facebook that users have visited the content of a page. If users are currently logged into Facebook, Facebook may log this visit on their Facebook account. If users interact with Plugins, for example by clicking the Like button or adding a comment, their browser will send this information directly to Facebook where it is stored. If users are not members of Facebook, there are still ways for Facebook to find out their IP address and store this information. According to Facebook, in Germany only anonymous IP addresses are stored.

For more on the reasons why data is gathered, how much data is gathered, how data is then processed and used by Facebook, the corresponding rights of users and which settings can be activated to protect user privacy, users can read the data protection information provided by Facebook by going to:

If users are members of Facebook and they do not want Facebook to gather their information via this website or link information to the membership data stored at Facebook, they have to log out of the Facebook website before visiting this website.

Use of the +1 button from Google+

This website uses the +1 button from the Google Plus social networking website, which is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”). This button can be recognised by the +1 symbol on a white or coloured background.

Whenever users visit a page on this website which includes the +1 button, their browser will initiate a direct connection to the servers of Google. The contents of the +1 button are transferred directly to users’ browsers by Google, which inserts these contents into the website. The Providers therefore have no influence over the extent of the data that Google gathers by using this button. According to Google, if users do not click the button, no personal data is gathered. Only members of Google Plus who are logged in will have their data, which includes their IP address, stored and processed.

For more on the reasons why data is gathered, how much data is gathered, how data is then processed and used by Google, the corresponding rights of users and which settings can be made to protect user privacy, users can read Google’s data protection information regarding the +1 button by going to:



This website uses Jetpack, a statistical tool that analyses user visits which is operated by Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110-4929, USA based on tracking technology provided by Quantcast Inc., 201 3rd St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103-3153, USA. Stats uses cookies, which are text tiles that are installed on computers to make it possible to analyse how users use the website. The information cookies provide about visits to this website is stored on a server in the United States. IP addresses are made anonymous immediately after processing and before being stored. Users can prevent the installation of cookies by changing the settings in their browsers. The Providers do however point out that if you change these settings it is possible that you may not be able to use certain functions on this website. Users can opt-out so that Quantcast no longer gathers and stores data by clicking on the Click here to opt-out link, which will add an opt-out cookie to their browser: If you delete all cookies on your computer, you will need to install the opt-out cookie again.

Cancellation, changes, amendments and updates

Users have the right to ask without charge for information on any stored personal data. Users also have the right to ask for their personal data to be amended, locked or deleted insofar as there is no statutory obligation to retain such data.

Version: May 2015

Data protection template supplied by  Thomas Schwenke – I LAW it solicitors